About Us
It all started back in 1995–there wasn’t even Google and smartphones weren’t even seen in science fiction movies. It was then that I, Enrico Pietrobon, with a partner founded Softdream, a video production studio, from the very beginning the first works began with our Mobile Director to film events, shows, concerts, dance essays and last but not least ceremonies, a passion of mine. Over the years my experience has enabled me to produce Videoclips, industrial films, short films, commercials, and professional corporate videos.
In 2014 Softdream was closed and here began my adventure as a professional Film Maker, thanks to my studies at the IED in Milan in Digital Cinematography, Screenplay and Direction, I can devote most of my time to my passion : wedding videos and for ceremonies in general ( confirmations, baptisms, first communions, anniversaries….) and in any case all videos in general.

In 2015 I acquired the Enac-recognized drone pilot certificate, later when ENAC gave way to the European regulation and the control body became EASA my certificates grew A1/A3 and A2, these fundamental to have spectacular video footage and turn my works into real films. My goal is to capture your emotions, your looks, your expressions and trap them forever within my films.
To do this you have to know how to be discreet, you have to know how to “disappear” and make everything “natural,” and thanks to the invaluable help of my life partner, with whom the fellowship is such that a glance is enough to know that the moment is the right one, I boast that I always manage to do this…
In 2018 I shoot my first short film Mastercook a Comedy film with Luca & Andrea, a bet, a game that however gives us a lot of satisfaction, it is in fact selected in many festivals even with some special mentions.
I like cinema, and I don’t want to stop, so Mastercook kicks off another short film MeleRosse a thriller, also submitted to numerous festivals. The wins are not long in coming and the awards are numerous, from best direction in a thrille to video editing to story. From 2020 then also begins my strda as a director, cinematographer also for other films and documentaries

Enrico Pietrobon
Passionate about computer science, he founded Softdream in 1995 and continued his studies at the IED in Milan in Digital Cinematography, Screenwriting and Directing in the following years. Enac Recognized Operator for Non-Critical Specialized Operations with APRs.

Bruna Amici
Born as a computer expert, worked at a well-known publishing house in proofreading and editing. Specializing at IED Milan in web design, she continued her studies as a video operator and digital editor.